Proudly Australian Owned, Designed and Operated

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Bell 'n Sade

Burrow Bed
Our dogs are more than just pets - they're our faithful companions, our loyal confidants, and part of our family. We want to give them the best life possible, and that starts with a comfortable bed. The Burrow Bed is designed to give your furry friend the comfort, security, and relaxation they deserve, and at the same time, reducing stress and anxiety levels. Say goodbye to sharing your bed and hello to your pup's cosy and personal space. At Bell 'n Sade, we know how crucial it is to create a supportive and comfortable environment for our beloved dogs and we're committed to creating a warm and secure place for your pup to call their own.

Some of the happy puppies.....

The nicest bed I've ever seen. My 2 dachshunds love it. I purchased one and now I have to buy a second because they fight over it!
Look what came in the mail! So excited! I went and got Rosie and told her I have a surprise for her. She was laying in the sun and begrudgingly got up and followed me inside. I showed her her new bed, and she ran straight over and tucked herself in! She doesn’t care for the sunshine outside anymore. She looooves her burrow bed. Rosie thanks you! And so do I.
I love love love the Burrow Bed .... and so does my dachshund. The design and fabric are perfect for a dog who likes to be covered and they are able to crawl in and out with out any help from you. Easy to take out the pillow and pop it in the washing machine. Best design in a burrow bed I've seen. Highly recommend it.
Rusty loves his new Burrow Bed from Bell 'n Sade but not to keen on sharing with the puppies.

Christelle Jansen

Dog mum and founder
Hi there! My name is Christelle, and I'm a passionate dog mum and founder of Bell 'n Sade. I started this journey in May 2016, inspired by my two miniature dachshunds, Bella and Sadie. I wanted to give them the very best, and so I set out to create the perfect bed for small dogs. After extensive research and in consultation with Bella and Sadie, I designed a bed that not only provides comfort, but also helps reduce stress and anxiety. I'm proud to say that Bell 'n Sade is Australian owned, designed and operated, and I'm thrilled to be able to provide high-quality, unique beds that will ensure your furry friend has the best sleep possible.